Amber Alexander


Welcome to my AmberLyn's Healing Arts, the center for your health and wellness needs. Amber Alexander, LMT, CPT, offers a variety of services that will help you achieve your goals, including massage therapy, fitness, and lifestyle coaching. The best part of her services is that she meets you wherever you are in your journey, whether you are looking to maintain your health, reduce stress, recover from an injury, pre/post sporting event, manage chronic pain, etc., Amber provides individualized plans according to your personal needs.

Clinically proven, massage therapy helps with a variety of aches and pains, as well as medical conditions such as depression. It remains one of the best natural options to treat a variety of issues. Among the many benefits of including regular massage, is being free of pain and helping to manage the stressors in our life.

For your reference, here is a great list (non-inclusive) provided by American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) with over 20 reasons why massage therapy is a great natural healing approach for most people. If you have more questions about how massage therapy can benefit you, or if you would like to see if it is right for you, feel free to reach out to me.



KY #251879

MA #99419